Medicare Reimbursement Requirement Attorneys

Satisfying Medicare’s Conditional Payment Lien

For more than 25 years, Medicare has maintained the legal right to compel reimbursement for medical treatment paid that arguably should have been paid by liability, no-fault or workers’ compensation insurance carriers. Until recently, that right was not universally enforced and often overlooked.

Over the past several years, the federal government has enforced this statutory right. Frequently, this results in a substantial delay in resolving claims while awaiting a conditional payment lien letter. A detailed understanding of these requirements, and various entities involved, is necessary to swiftly and effectively resolve claims.

Promptly Securing a Conditional Payment Letter

At Bleakley, Cypher, Parent, Warren, and Quinn, P.C., our lawyers have perfected the art of promptly securing a conditional payment lien letter from Medicare. We secure all pertinent legal documents and obtain written confirmation from Medicare that its lien has been satisfied.

We pride ourselves on our ability to quickly remove this hurdle to potential settlements, such that claims are resolved faster.

Helpful links regarding Medicare reimbursement requirements:

Contact Us to Discuss Medicare Reimbursement Requirements

To make arrangements for an initial consultation, call our law offices at: 616-774-2131 or contact us online.